Placing a Product Receiving Order

You must place a Product Receiving Order when sending product to ShipCentral. This will ensure your product is received quickly and accurately, and your orders will get shipped sooner. Pre-requistes to Placing a Product Receiving Order Product ID’s for each...

Sending Products to ShipCentral

Not following these steps can result in increased costs and delays in receiving your inventory. For New products complete the following steps: STEP 1- Verify each item has a barcode on it (must be done before product is received) STEP 2- Create your Product...

Labeling on Incoming Shipments

Ship Central Shipping Label Template Include the information below on your master cartons and cases to meet Ship Central’s Standard Receiving Requirements.  Failing to do so can add costs, and increase receiving time. Label information should match the Packing List...

Inventory Receipt Emails

When we receive your products according to our receiving requirements into your ShipCentral portal, you will get an Inventory Receipt email.  You as the customer are responsible to double check the quantities to make sure they match your records.

Customs, Duties, Taxes, Importer of Record

Ship Central does not involve itself in shipping fees, duties, taxes, or customs clearance on incoming shipments.  We are not able to accept the role of  “Importer of Record.” Please plan accordingly. Also...