Support Documentation


CATEGORY: Integrations
Setup & Onboarding

For some integrations we must currently connect to Shipstation.  It merely serves as a bridge to connect to our software.  To connect, do the following:

  • Create at least a Bronze account with Shipstation
  • Connect your selling store to Shipstation using your Username and Password
  • Generate the Shipstation credentials using the instructions below
  • Once you have these credentials, notify your ShipCentral Onboarding Coordinator to complete the connection
API Credentials needed from ShipStation

In order to enable API Access, the following credentials must be gathered:

  • API Key
  • API Secret

Generating the API Credentials

To generate the API credentials:

  1. From the ShipStation Vendor Portal, click on API Settings
  2. The required details are under the API Keys heading. If the keys are not displayed, click the Generate API Keys button.
  3. Retain the API Key and API Secret